“No one has friends half as good as mine or loves them half as much.”
I butchered that quote, but the people in our lives astound me and I am wholeheartedly grateful for them.
I often think we must have done something right to have such incredible people in our lives. Really incredible people like Cristina, Vanessa, Jenny and Janna who would fly out and meet us in Prague, Germany, and Iceland.
An amazing group of people in San Diego and scattered all over the world, rooting for us and our 10 eggs. Everyone has been so kind on Facebook, via text, and WhatsApp. It’s been good to share our experience. I feel so safe wrapped in everyone’s collective prayers and vibes.
I like to imagine our little eggs swaddled in a myriad of wishes and dreams; all of us collectively willing life into them. I want them to be safe and healthy and know they are loved. Four eggs growing strong, three slightly slower; seven eggs left in the race. They are small, but mighty.
While my mind is exploding with wonder, I am gently reminded of the song, “Que Sera Sera”.
Que sera, sera
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera
What will be, will be.
I feel grateful for the opportunity to try IVF. Some people never even have this chance. At the very least I can give it my all in the process and feel grateful for every opportunity. Grateful for IVF, for travel, for Prague, for the lower prices in Europe, for my translator, for amazing coffee, and for my handsome husband.