I hope you're somewhere prayin', prayin'
I hope your soul is changin', changin'
I hope you find your peace
Falling on your knees, prayin'
-Kesha, Prayin’
I hope my soul is changing too. I hope I’m learning to let go. There have been so many obstacles, and relationships that I’ve had to let go of on my fertility journey.
Self care has been a big part of letting go, and grieving. One thing that has helped me grieve is music therapy.
Music is such a clear way to say things. You feel it wash through your body and it’s much less open to interpretation. Of course, there will be so many different ways people will interpret it, but underneath there will be common themes that people universally gravitate towards.
I love the part of this song that says I wish you farewell. Farewell to all of the disappointments and heartbreak. I’m done with you and I wish you farewell.
I was on my knees broken and crying, but I’m entering a new season, and I hope it lasts a while. I’m praying for farewell, lighting a candle, focusing on my breath, letting music wash over me and giving my soul the space to change.
My soul is changing. I’m learning to let go.