Artist's course at European Cultural Academy in Venice, Italy

Hello from Venice! Friends The European Cultural Academy in Venice was such an incredible experience. I have already blogged week 1 and now I’m so excited to share week 2. I wish every artist the opportunity to spend 2 weeks in Venice Italy being surrounded by art and artist and new friends that I adore. ECA has courses for art professionals and culture lovers that fulfill your creative ambition. The course I joined was Contemporary art, framework to develop your ideas. For those of you looking for the coolest experience ever, They are also offering Venice Biennale Revealed: Bethind the Scenes Experience Nov 10-13 If my experience is any indication, you will have the time of your life.

@eca.venice @labiennale @thejealouscurator

 shewanders photography, suzanne ofeldt photography
 the milk of dreams, photograper
 s, shewanders photography
 s, suzanne ofeldt photography
the jealours curator, s
 photograper, the milk of dreams
 biennale, suzanne ofeldt photography
 s, european cultural academy
 the milk of dreams, biennale
 biennale, shewanders photography
 shewanders photography, suzanne ofeldt photography
 s, biennale
 suzanne ofeldt photography, biennale
 biennale, european cultural academy
 biennale, the milk of dreams
 suzanne ofeldt photography, biennale
the jealours curator, european cultural academy
 biennale, photograper
 photograper, the milk of dreams
 the milk of dreams, european cultural academy
the jealours curator, suzanne ofeldt photography
 european cultural academy, the milk of dreams
 suzanne ofeldt photography, biennale
 european cultural academy, biennale
 shewanders photography, european cultural academy
 european cultural academy, s
 biennale, s
 suzanne ofeldt photography,the jealours curator
 the milk of dreams, s
 biennale, s
the jealours curator, suzanne ofeldt photography
 the milk of dreams, european cultural academy
 european cultural academy,the jealours curator
 s, suzanne ofeldt photography
 s, european cultural academy
 s, biennale
 european cultural academy
 shewanders photography, s
 the milk of dreams, suzanne ofeldt photography
 shewanders photography, biennale
 suzanne ofeldt photography, shewanders photography
 shewanders photography, european cultural academy
 biennale, the milk of dreams
 the milk of dreams, biennale
 biennale, suzanne ofeldt photography
the jealours curator, european cultural academy
 shewanders photography, european cultural academy
 shewanders photography, suzanne ofeldt photography
the jealours curator, the milk of dreams
 european cultural academy, the milk of dreams
 photograper,the jealours curator
 european cultural academy, the milk of dreams
 the milk of dreams, biennale
 s, photograper
 s, the milk of dreams
 the milk of dreams, shewanders photography
 biennale,the jealours curator
 the milk of dreams, shewanders photography
 biennale,the jealours curator
 european cultural academy, s
 s,the jealours curator
 biennale, european cultural academy
 biennale,the jealours curator
the jealours curator, the milk of dreams
the jealours curator, the milk of dreams
 suzanne ofeldt photography, the milk of dreams
 biennale, the milk of dreams
the jealours curator, european cultural academy
 shewanders photography, photograper
 european cultural academy, suzanne ofeldt photography
 photograper, s
 suzanne ofeldt photography, s
 suzanne ofeldt photography,the jealours curator
the jealours curator, biennale
 suzanne ofeldt photography, european cultural academy
 biennale, photograper
 shewanders photography
 shewanders photography, european cultural academy
 suzanne ofeldt photography, shewanders photography
 s, shewanders photography
 photograper, biennale
 the milk of dreams, suzanne ofeldt photography
 shewanders photography, photograper
 the milk of dreams, s
 biennale,the jealours curator
 suzanne ofeldt photography, shewanders photography
 european cultural academy, s
 biennale, the milk of dreams
the jealours curator
 the milk of dreams
 biennale, european cultural academy
 european cultural academy, suzanne ofeldt photography
 the milk of dreams, shewanders photography
 photograper, european cultural academy
the jealours curator, photograper
the jealours curator, biennale
 european cultural academy,the jealours curator
the jealours curator, photograper
 photograper, biennale
 suzanne ofeldt photography, s
 shewanders photography,the jealours curator
 the milk of dreams
 biennale, photograper
 european cultural academy, photograper
 european cultural academy, the milk of dreams
 european cultural academy, s
 the milk of dreams, european cultural academy
 suzanne ofeldt photography,the jealours curator
the jealours curator, the milk of dreams
 suzanne ofeldt photography, shewanders photography
 suzanne ofeldt photography, european cultural academy
 suzanne ofeldt photography, shewanders photography
 the milk of dreams, s
 suzanne ofeldt photography, photograper
 s, the milk of dreams
the jealours curator, suzanne ofeldt photography
 s, suzanne ofeldt photography
 shewanders photography, photograper
 biennale, european cultural academy
 photograper, european cultural academy
the jealours curator, shewanders photography
 european cultural academy, suzanne ofeldt photography
 photograper, shewanders photography
 suzanne ofeldt photography, photograper
 the milk of dreams, european cultural academy
the jealours curator, shewanders photography
 photograper, biennale
 suzanne ofeldt photography, photograper
 suzanne ofeldt photography, shewanders photography
the jealours curator, s
 photograper, suzanne ofeldt photography
 photograper, the milk of dreams
 biennale, photograper
 suzanne ofeldt photography, shewanders photography
 suzanne ofeldt photography, shewanders photography
 suzanne ofeldt photography, s
 european cultural academy, photograper
 european cultural academy, s
 suzanne ofeldt photography,the jealours curator
 suzanne ofeldt photography, the milk of dreams
 suzanne ofeldt photography, s
 photograper, the milk of dreams
 photograper, shewanders photography
 suzanne ofeldt photography, the milk of dreams
 biennale, s
 suzanne ofeldt photography,the jealours curator
 s, the milk of dreams
 s, european cultural academy
 suzanne ofeldt photography, the milk of dreams