All the family. Shewanders Family Portrait for Saira and Brian family

It’s been so long since Saira and Brian’s 3 day wedding weekend in Vancouver. So much has changed, look at all these cute babies. There are so so many grandkids and the twins are 20 instead of 10. It was so fun to meet everyone at their airbnb in Oceanside and capture some beach images of everyone together. Living in seperate countries during a pandemic is so tough and now the calender is full of times to fly and see each other. I’m pretty sure that this trip will be a yearly seaside escape. If your family is in town hit me up and let’s capture the magic of being all together. You’ll have images to post and enjoy all year long.
Saira sent out one of our collages that had white, black, blue, tan, and pink. The set of colors was broad enough that everyone could look good together and have lots of options. Our strategy was to get some variety in the green grass in front of the cliffs and then head on over to the beach. The kids had a blast and the little kids wanted to jump right into the ocean but we managed to get some images first. We worked with a shot list and then played around until the sun went down. xoxo Suzanne

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 shewanders photography
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,brian saira large family portrait oceanside california
 san diego family, shewanders loves families
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 shewanders photography
 shewanders photography,brian saira large family portrait oceanside california
brian saira large family portrait oceanside california, multi generation photography
 san diego family,
 multi generation photography, shewanders loves families
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brian saira large family portrait oceanside california, photojournalism family photography
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 multi generation photography, pacific beach family photography
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 photojournalism family photography,brian saira large family portrait oceanside california
 pacific beach family photography, shewanders loves families
 no shoes on the beach,oceandside family photography
oceandside family photography, shewanders loves families
 multi generation photography,oceandside family photography
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 san diego family,
 san diego family
 blue tones family photography, no shoes on the beach
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 no shoes on the beach, photojournalism family photography
 no shoes on the beach, photojournalism family photography
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, multi generation photography
 multi generation photography,oceandside family photography
 blue tones family photography, multi generation photography
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oceandside family photography, blue tones family photography
 no shoes on the beach
 pacific beach family photography, san diego family