Simon says relax : Shewanders portrait photographers wahoo

Sometimes relaxing feels like a revolution. It’s part of Shewanders DNA to show joy, gratitude, and now more than ever an exhale. Mike and I have realized how much a photographic session can be a creative form of self care. Sure we shelter your memories but also some times seeing images of you relaxing, with the sun on your face can be like seeing yourself in your own vission board. I find pools really relaxing. So I curated this blog post around my hobby but really it could just as easily be a walk through a garden or painting plein air. Or just the fun of a creative photoshoot. Can you feel it? Don’t you want to be the beauty relaxing and having these gorgeous souvenirs? Your pool, hotel pools, the beach, a garden, a canyon a cafe, and art museum, you get the point. You in your happiness place. Let’s do it, I’ll meet you there. Reach out let’s set up a session just for you.

 pool images, underwater
 mike ofeldt, mmms tuesday
 mike ofeldt, suzanne hansen ofeldt
 san diego portrait photographer, mike ofeldt
joy community, oma pumpkn patch family portrait
 david hockney,creative family photography
 suzanne hansen ofeldt, underwater
pool photography, sourthern california photographer
 sourthern california photographer, san diego portrait photographer
jenna pool,creative family photography
 suzanne ofeldt,
pool photography,joy community
 pool images,pool photography
 north park photographer, san diego family portrait
 suzanne hansen ofeldt, pool images
 pool photography,jenna pool
, pool images
waterworld scarlet, san diego family portrait
 david hockney, pool photography
 underwater,creative family photography
californian photographer, sourthern california photographer
 sourthern california photographer,californian photographer
 suzanne ofeldt how am i supposed to live without you, suzanne hansen ofeldt
 savanah, suzanne ofeldt how am i supposed to live without you
creative family photography,waterworld scarlet
 suzanne ofeldt, david hockney
 david hockney,jenna pool
, pool photography
 san diego portrait photographer, savanah
 san diego portrait photographer, suzanne ofeldt
 san diego family portrait,californian photographer
joy community,pool photography
 suzanne ofeldt,joy community
californian photographer, david hockney
ariel,palm springs
 oma pumpkn patch family portrait, suzanne ofeldt how am i supposed to live without you
californian photographer, mmms tuesday
joy community, savanah
 san diego portrait photographer, north park photographer